LED Indicators

Center LED Status

Battery Status

Center LED Pattern/Color


Sleep Mode :

  • Battery is asleep and not attached to a charger.

  • To awaken the battery press the Battery Status Button momentarily.

No LEDs Lit


  • Battery is in an Active state & receiving power.

Solid Blue Center Light

Cell Balancing/

Self Discharge:

  • If Charging: Battery balancing its cells.

  • If not charging: The battery is auto discharging for safe storage (after 48hrs of non-use).

Blinking Blue Center Light

Charge Completed:

  • Battery attached to charger and asleep.

Solid Green Center Light


  • Battery in an Active state.

  • This means the battery connection pins are energized. Take care in battery handling and avoid contacting the pins.

Blinking Green Center Light

Active Battery Fault Detected:

  • Press Battery Status button to attempt fault reset.

  • If fault doesn’t clear, see Section, Battery Health.

Solid Red Center Light

Battery Fault No Longer Active:

  • Press Battery Status button to attempt fault reset.

  • If fault doesn’t clear, see Section, Battery Health.

Blinking Red Center Light

Charge Fault Detected:

  • See Section - Battery Health

  • Battery unusable

Blinking Red/Blue Center Light

State of Charge Indicators

NOTE: This 'State of Charge' LED functionality will be available late 2024 - early 2025.

SOC can be determined by the center LED status light and by the aircraft's flight control software once they are activated, connected & the system is booted up.

1 flash = 0-25%

2 flashes = 25-50%

3 flashes = 50-75%

4 flashes = 75-100%

Battery Charge Status

State of Charge LED Pattern


0% - 12.5%

Position 1 LEDs Blinking

12.5% - 25.0%

Position 1 LEDs Solid

25.0% - 37.5%

Position 1 LEDs Solid

Position 2 LEDs Blinking

37.5% - 50.0%

Position 1 & 2 LEDs Solid

50.0% - 62.5%

Position 1 & 2 LEDs Solid Position 3 LEDs Blinking

62.5% - 75.0%

Position 1, 2 & 3 LEDs Solid

75.0% - 87.5%

Position 1, 2 & 3 LEDs Solid Position 4 LEDs Blinking

87.5% - 100%

All SOC LEDs Solid

Last updated