Mission Planner Quick Mission Setup
Download the Mission Planner application and follow the setup instructions to begin. The documentation provided by Ardupilot can be reviewed for more in depth information.
Connecting to the Vehicle
There are 3 main ways the vehicle can be connected to Mission Planner:
Using a USB-A to USB-C cable, the vehicle can be hard wire connected for planning a mission or pulling flight logs without fully powering up the vehicle.
Select the MavLink comport from the dropdown menu in the top right of the application and connect.
Using the Herelink as a hotspot, the computer can connect to the powered up vehicle for telemetry and planning.
Connect the computer to the hotspot and open Mission Planner.
Using the RFD900, the computer can connect to the powered up vehicle for telemetry and planning.
Connect the RFD900 USB to the computer and open Mission Planner.
The main screen of Mission Planner is the Data tab, this screen shows the ACFT telemetry in the Quick section at the bottom left. If a mission is programmed, it will show in the map view to the right.
The Actions tab in the bottom left is used to control ACFT actions such as starting a Mission. Always take off manually before selecting “Mission Start” and use the Do Action button to begin the mission.
DO NOT start a mission from the buttons unless the vehicle has established a stable hover under pilot control.
Ardupilot has extensive information regarding Mission Planning in their documentation linked at the top of this article. This guide will serve as a basic outline of planning missions.
The Home point will automatically be updated when the ACFT powers up.
If planning a mission without the ACFT fully powered up, move the home location to your estimated takeoff point to accurately calculate flight time and waypoint accuracy.
Adjust flight speed by selecting the DO_CHANGE_SPEED command in the waypoint dropdown
this will add a command at the closest previous waypoint to send the vehicle a flight speed change command using the Speed value.
Waypoint Flights
Clicking the map will add a waypoint to the map, select the points you want the ACFT to fly to using the map. Be aware of any obstructions when setting altitude using the Alt value. Delete a point using the X button, move a point by clicking and dragging and adjust the waypoint order by using the Up and Down arrows.
Area Scan Flights
To create an area scan, use the polygon icon above the magnifying glass on the left side of the screen. There you can select the polygon options including to create a polygon from existing waypoints.
With a polygon created, right click the map to bring up the available actions. Select Auto WP to generate a Survey Grid style path using the polygon as a boundary.
Use the Simple options to adjust altitude, speed and flight angle direction.
In the Grid Options set the distance between lines, overshoot & lead in distance, overlap % or Cross Grid patterns. In the Camera Config options, set your camera specifications to generate the pattern accurately. Ensure the CAM_TRIGG_DIST option is selected to trigger the camera while in autopilot.
When you are satisfied with the mission plan, return to the Simple screen and hit the Accept button.
Use the Write button when connected to the ACFT to load the mission to the vehicle. Once loaded, the mission will be available to start in the Data tab
To create a Geofence, select the Fence option from the dropdown at the top right to create a geofence from a polygon.
Use the Fence Inclusion or Fence Exclusion options to make a polygon into a geofence.
The barrier will change from red to purple to indicate it is a geofence area.
Rally Points
These are generally not used for multicopter vehicles but can be given as alternate landing points, if the vehicle were to failsafe in an undesirable location it can proceed to the nearest Rally Point for an automated landing. See Ardupilot documentation for more precise information on Rally Points.
To set a rally point, select RALLY from the dropdown and click a point on the map to set the location.
Here under the Planner tab you can change the units of measurement for altitude and speed as well as see the vehicle parameters. IFT troubleshooting may request a saved parameter file or flight log to provide assistance.
Flight Logs
From the Data tab, when connected to a vehicle (using cable connected USB power is recommended) navigate to the Data Flash Logs from the options bar.
Select Download Data Flash Log via Mavlink and from the list choose the flight log you would like to download.
or IF1200A Flight Logs save to the Documents/MissionPlanner/Logs/Hexarotor/1 folder. Quadrotor vehicles will save to a Quadrotor folder.
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