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The IF750 is set up to initiate an automatic landing at 15% battery power. It will provide a warning at 35% and initiate a Return to Launch at 25%.
We don't officially support UGCS at this time, though you can use the software with your UAV. The aircraft will work in the UGCS with the PX4 vehicle profile. You can connect a computer to the hotspot built into the HereLink controller.
Enable the hotspot on the HereLink and configure the name and password if necessary. Connect your computer to the hotspot. Opening QGC or UGCS should automatically connect to the drone.
You can also directly connect via the USB-C port on your drone. Connect a cable from your computer to the drone. Missions can be loaded directly from QGC or UGCS this way as well. When the HereLink is powered on the mission should be uploaded and ready to fly.