QGround Control Basics
The following instructions are a basic guide to the QGroundControl software, showing how to navigate the application tabs and the different menus.
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The following instructions are a basic guide to the QGroundControl software, showing how to navigate the application tabs and the different menus.
Last updated
QGC is the application used to interface the IFT Vehicles to the Herelink Controller with map and flight data. It can be connected to the vehicle via USB, WiFi and through a telemetry radio such as RFD-900 for LRT configurations. QGC is available as an application on the Herelink controller as well as on PC/Mac OS.
NOTE: The top bar shows your View Selection to the left and Status Icons to the right. You can also use QGC without powering on the vehicle to plan a mission via the controller or computer application.
Shown below, is a brief summary of the settings for your vehicle.
Each component's menu is accessible via the buttons on the left.
Under the Safety component menu in Settings Tab, you can access the vehicle failsafe.
Set parameters such as:
Setting altitude for Return To Home (RTH)
Setting battery percentage warnings and actions (RTH)
Status Icons show your vehicle status.
From left to right the icons are as follows:
Errors/ Notifications
If no errors are present the icon will change to a small megaphone
GPS Satellite/ HDOP Status
Horizontal Dilution of Precision measuring the quality of the GPS satellite position HDOP should be Ideally below the value of 1, NOTHING OVER 1.4
RC Status RSSI
RC Signal Strength Information
Telemetry Status
Real time measurement collection status, monitor position and altitude
Battery Percentage
Real time battery %
Armed/ Disarmed dropdown
Flight Power Status
Shows the state of the motors, Armed and Disarmed terms are used to indicate whether or not the motors are rotating
Flight Mode Status dropdown
Flight Mode Status
Current flight mode
RTK Flight Mode Status
Shows you progress of RTK GPS Survey-In process