Preventative Maintenance Schedule

The Preventative Maintenance Schedule ensures the performance, reliability and longevity of your aircraft. By implementing the following maintenance schedule an operator can identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

  • Before and after each flight conduct a visual inspection of the aircraft as described in the Section, Inspection Points.

  • At the 25 flight-hours mark, use an air can to dust out all motors free of debris.

  • At the 50 flight-hour mark, conduct a check of the batteries and motors. Check the IB388 Batteries by referring to Section, Battery Health.

  • Check the motors motors by referring to Section, IF800 Motors.

Replacement Parts

  • Batteries need to be retired and replaced after 150 to 300 cycles. A battery cycle being the charge and discharge of a battery.

  • Propellers need to be replaced no fewer than every 400 flight-hours, to ensure continued safe operation of the aircraft.

  • Motors need to be replaced no fewer than every 1600 flight-hours, to ensure continued safe operation of the aircraft.

Last updated