Sentera 65R

Note: The cameras currently do not have a live video feed.


  • CAM2_TYPE = 5 Ensure this parameter is set correctly. If changes are made, reboot the vehicle for the new settings to take effect.

Mission Specifications

  • Both cameras are pre-configured in the latest version of IGC software. Select the appropriate model in IGC to generate an accurate flight path.

Safe Flight Parameters for Both Cameras

Sentera provides conservative specifications to ensure consistent data collection:

  • Altitude: 200–400 feet

  • Speed: 8 m/s (18 mph)

  • Overlap: 70%

65R Camera:

  • In optimal conditions, speed can be increased to 15 m/s (33 mph) with a photo interval of up to 0.4 seconds.

Data Offload Procedure

  1. Ensure the vehicle is powered on with the Sentera camera attached.

  2. Use the specific USB-C to USB-C cable provided with the equipment to connect the camera to your PC. A right-angle adapter is recommended to prevent gimbal movement.

  3. Access the camera's web interface:

    • Open the file explorer on your PC.

    • Type \\ in the search bar to access the camera’s files.

    • Open the folder from your flight to offload images.

Note: A login prompt may appear when navigating to the IP address. If prompted, enter the username "Sentera" with no password to proceed.

Last updated