“The _______ is not working”
Please bear with us when there are bugs. To report bugs or other feedback, click on the '?' button in the bottom right and submit a feedback form.
For urgent requests that are preventing you from completing your mission, contact customer support.
“My pilot has not received their login email"
Navigate to the 'My Team' Tab
Select "Manage Team Members"
Double check that their email was typed in correctly, to update scroll all the way to the right and select "edit" then follow the next step.
Scroll all the way to the right and select "Issue login" or "Reset Password" for team member
This will send them a new email to get started on Elevate.
If the email is not received within 1 hour, please complete a feedback form and/or contact customer support.
“My pilot can’t see preflight checklists or aircraft”
This likely means they have not been correctly authorized to fly any aircraft.
Navigate to the 'My Team' tab
Select "Manage Team Members"
Scroll all the way to the right and select "edit"
Ensure that they have been assigned "Pilot" under 'Roles'.
Authorize them to fly your fleet's aircraft by selecting "Assign to all IF800A", "Assign to all IF1200A" or "Customize Authorizations".
You may always view your pilot's aircraft authorizations by:
Navigate to the settings tab
Select 'Authorize Aircraft'
Check the boxes of team members and aircraft as appropriate
“I can’t see my team members”
Only fleet managers can see all team members, pilots are only permitted to see themselves and their fleet manager.
To update permissions, go to 'My Team' > Manage Team Member > Edit > Roles dropdown > select 'Fleet Manager"
You may also enable pilots to view all team members by:
Navigate to Settings Tab
Manage Role Types
Add or Edit a role
Customize your internal role permissions
Last updated