Pilot Authentication

How to login to IGC. This feature is only enabled in beta, on specific versions of IGC. Contact support@inspiredflight.com for more information.

Logging into IGC for the First Time

  1. Login Information: Ensure you first created your Inspired Suite login.

    • If you are a Fleet Manager (organization administrator) and this is your team's first time logging into the Inspired Suite, this can be done by contacting Inspired Flight at support@inspiredflight.com

    • If you are a Pilot and your team has already started using Inspired Suite, you organization's administrator must create your profile and grant you a login on Elevate. Then you will receive an email prompting you to activate your Inspired Suite Account. After activating your account, you may use this login acrros Inspired Suite services: Elevate, PilotGo, and Inspired Ground Control.

  2. Add Profile: From the Login screen, tap on the + Icon to add you profile to this device.

  1. Enter Credentials: Input your username (email address) and password provided by your organization's administrator.

  2. Tap Login: Press the "Login" button to proceed.

Set a Short PIN

  1. Prompt for PIN: After a successful login, you will be prompted to set a PIN.

  2. Enter PIN: Choose a 4-digit (or longer) PIN and enter it in the provided field.

  3. Save PIN: Tap on "Set PIN" to set your PIN.

Future Logins with PIN

  1. Open QGC: Tap on the QGC icon to open the application.

  2. Enter PIN: On the login screen, input your 4-digit PIN.

  3. Access Account: Tap "Enter" to log in.

Guest Mode

  1. Access Guest Mode: On the login screen, tap on "Guest Mode."

  2. Enter Name: Enter your name to identify yourself in the situation where login is unavailable due to missing internet connection

Last updated