Critical Situations & Emergency Procedure

Below are some situations which, should they arise, will require immediate action by the Pilot in Command.

Fly Away

In the event of an aircraft fly away, immediately report to ATC and track down the drone. FAA will need to know if there has been damage to property or an injury.

In the Event of a Loss of Signal (LOS)

If link is lost, the IF1200A will initiate a Return To Launch (RTL), ascend to its safety parameter, pre-designated altitude (our default is 15 meters) and come straight back to the launch point.

Battery Less Than 15%

If flying with a critical battery voltage, determine the trajectory of the aircraft and fly above open ground. The aircraft is now unstable and should be brought to the ground as quickly and safe as possible. If flying in an autonomous flight mode, it is recommended to switch the control to P to bring the aircraft down faster.

Loss of Aircraft Control While Flying a Mission

If mission/return is behaving unexpectedly, dangerously or abnormally, switch to Position Mode to regain control.

Entire Loss of Aircraft

If a flyaway or battery depletion away from home point occurs, follow the FAA guidelines on loss of aircraft, notify Inspired Flight Technologies.

Aircraft Crash

If the aircraft is flown into an obstruction or crashes for any reason, follow the procedure in the FAA guidelines, and notify Inspired Flight Technologies.


If any other anomaly or unexpected failure occurs, please contact Inspired Flight. Refer to the contact information in the front of this manual.

Last updated