Arm and Disarm
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To start the propellers spinning
Ready to Fly
To stop the propellers from spinning
Safe Mode
Arm the aircraft by bringing the left joystick stick down and towards the right (Fig. 1 below applies to the HereLink as well). The motors start spinning in an idle state.
Continue to hold the stick in the low to center/neutral throttle position and verify that all motors and propellers are spinning correctly.
Apply definitive positive throttle and take off to at least 8-12ft.
Perform your eight-point controls check for proper response and movement.
NOTE: Jeti DS-12 is shown below.
These arming instructions also apply to the HereLink hand controllers.
Loiter (A) & Position Hold (B) Modes
Once the aircraft has landed, hold the throttle straight down & HOLD for several seconds to stop the propellers.
Autonomous Mode
The aircraft automatically disarms upon landing. However, we recommend, when possible, to land in Loiter Mode manually for maximum command & control.
Verify each item on the .