Sony RX0 FPV Camera

This page provides instruction on how to operate the Sony RX0 FPV camera mounted to the IF1200A with a Blue HereLink hand controller.



Power on your HereLink hand controller and open QGround Control (if it doesn't come up automatically).


Power on your IF1200A.


Power on the Sony RX0 FPV camera by pressing the POWER button on the camera.

The POWER button (circled in yellow) on the Sony RX0 FPV camera mounted to the IF1200A.
Close-up view of the Sony RX0 FPV camera mounted to the IF1200A.

NOTE: The RX0 is oriented upside-down on the IF1200A. The power button is on the left-hand side of the camera if you are facing the front of the aircraft. The RX0 comes pre-configured from the factory to operate in this orientation.

Close-up, sideview of the Sony RX0 FPV camera mounted to the IF1200A.
Front view of the Sony RX0 FPV camera mounted on the IF1200A.


You should see the RX0 video feed streaming to your HereLink controller.

Maximized view of the Sony FPV RX video feed from QGround Control.

Last updated